Back in November of 2019 I left my home in North Carolina and ended up moving to Nashville, TN. When I arrived I wanted to make the kids feel as comfortable as possible. I thought the best way to do this was to buy a dog. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “Jenelle is crazy!”. Sometimes I have the best ideas, and sometimes I don’t. This idea turned out to be a good one.

I started my puppy search on Craigslist. There were lots of breeds that popped up but one in particular that caught my eye was Goldendoodle puppies. Before messaging about meeting the precious babies, I did research on Google.
I suggest before getting ANY type of animal it should always be researched. You should get an animal that best suits you living alone, with a partner, or around kids and family. With this being said, this breed is perfect for kids! Goldendoodles are known to be super friendly with everyone, extremely playful, and therapy dogs which help with anxiety. I also went on YouTube to research how they act around others and any special type of care they needed. These dogs are hypoallergenic but you do have to keep up brushing them or they will get dreads in their fur. They also need trimming around their eyes so they are able to see.

After learning tons of information about these dogs, I replied to the Craigslist post about meeting up to see the puppies. I packed the kids up in the car and headed out 45 minutes into the country of Tennessee. While driving the scenery was amazing and the kids got to see Amish people riding with their horse and buggy. Then had an entire conversation with my son about the culture of the Amish people, he loved it!
We met the Craigslist lady at a public store. When I looked in her back seat it was filled with 6-8 Goldendoodle puppies! I was melting onto the parking lot. The kids ended up choosing a female and she was a dark red color. We ended up naming her Rosey!

When we got back to our Airbnb the kids couldn’t stop cuddling with Rosey! She seemed to be shy at first but warmed up very quickly. Fast forward until now, Rosey is 6 months old and a really hyper puppy. She is full of energy and it matches the kids personalities perfectly. She loves walks and when she sees water she can’t stop playing. Rosey is a joy to our family. Even though this was a very fast decision to get a new dog and at a tough time in my life, I’m happy I did!